The Idle Times

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

'Twas the day after Christmas

So here we are, the day the after Christmas. My head hurts like hell. Hangerover from losing too many games of Mahjong. I'm horrible at it so i guess i shouldn't have started in the first first place. But it was fun so i'm not complianing, except for this crazy headache which doesn't seem to want to go away for some reason. Must be because i kept on cursing and swearing about how much i hated Christmas. Retrbution hurts like hell. Haha. Either way, i still think Christmas is quite a bad time of the year.

Anyway, Christmas meals turned out to be kind of a success. Though things started to see like the were going no where at the beginning (the souffle collasped, the pie got burnt and the soup was well, weird) it turned out alright in the end. A miracle? Maybe. At the end of the day, they were all clamouring for the bloody soup recipie (Minted pea soup with crispy pancetta and sour cream, you should try it!). I threw out the souffle and my mum salvaged the pie so it was ok in the end i guess. So after all the hectic work in the kitchen, it was time to have a little fun. I should have never started playing the bloody Mahjong!! I was like playing with semi-pro people so since we don't play with money over Christmas (only during CNY, but that's another story) we played with what my house seemed to have in relative abundance, ALCOHOL! Mandrin orange, raspberri and peach vodka anyone? And since my cousins wanted to be hardcore, we drank it straight. Every double was worth 1 shot. I won only 1 round so every round i was drinking. I take pride in myself that i can hold my liquer rather well, but i can't take the friggin hangover. I must have drank at least 15 plus shots in a period of 3 or 4 hours. Crazy. I never drank so much in my life!!

The good thing about it was that, the alcohol allowed me to sort of forget about how screwed up this Christmas seemed to be turning out. I can barely think straight right now. Shit man. I've got so much to do and i don't know how to go about doing it. And the presents this year seem to be lacking in some sense. Maybe its because.. i don't know. Argh! Weird Christmas this year.

At Christmas, you tell the truth. Truth is, i never really let you go. I've tried so hard but i cannot find it in myself to do it. I'm still trying but it tears me apart. The only thing i can do now is to pray, and hope.

Things i want for Christmas (which i didn't get of course):
  1. ORD
  2. Driving Licence
  3. Macbook Pro
  4. A Tag
  5. The intangible
Well, (Un)Merry Christmas Ivan, and to everyone else. Till the next Christmas, I hope it will be a better one. Somehow.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

That time of the year again

So, here we are again, at that time of the year. Yes my friends, its Christmas. (Cheers in the background). Its a wonder. Everyone seems to enjoy this period, buying stuff for loved ones, going for parties, hanging out with friends etc. But to me, more so this year than in other years (except maybe last year. It was really bad then) it kinda sucks. Yup. It somehow just... doesn't feel right, like something is missing.

But anyway, to more important business. I just got back from Bintan on Thursday. And if you thought that running south was going to help me escape the horrible weather here in Singapore, you are so wrong. Let's see. I was there for 4 days and it rained on 3, leaving me with a grand total beach time of only 1 miserable day. Not enough to get proper eyefuls on all the chicks on the beach (there weren't many, except for this ang moh chick. Wow!) and even less time for me to hang outside of the villa which i was staying in. If i want to spend 4 full days watching HBO on the telly, I'd rather stay at home. Firstly, its cheaper, and i don't have to worry about paying $8 for a glass of water, thank you very much. Anyway, on a whole it was a good holiday. I took the time to chill and relax, things which i haven't done for quite awhile so yeah, it felt real good. I actually got down to writing a letter to someone while sitting by the sea, but i threw it out after i finished cause i felt it was rather trashy and you'd most probably be gone forever after you read it. Sigh. I used to be better with words, but recently, I'm becoming rather bad with them. Don't know what is happening. I need to do more intellectual stuff soon before i just die.

Anyway, back to Christmas. So here i am standing in front of the cookpots again. I wonder why it always falls on me to do the cooking during Christmas. Yeah, so i enjoy cooking. Seriously, its kinda fun, especially when u try to present it up. Oh! They say that you eat not only with your sense of taste and smell, but most importantly, with your sense of sight as well. So presentation is everything. What i hate about doing the cooking during Christmas is when all the aunts and uncles come around and sample the food, next thing you know, they're asking you for the recipes and asking you to cook for their next function. And then, there are those who just outright steal the recipe from me and make it their own. Then they go around bragging that they cook better. I mean like fine, since you cook better, you can cook next Christmas, but no, i end up in front of the fires again.

As much as i hate Christmas, there are still somethings which i enjoy about it. The gifts, the time spent with the family and most importatntly, the time spent just plain not doing anything productive. Like this blog! So yeah. Christmas this year will somehow turn out fine. My friends seemed to have forgotten that i exist again, judging by the lack of cards this year, but yeah. I don't need you guys so piss off (kidding!).

You know what, this Christmas would have been if YOU had been here with me. I know it will be if you were. That's my only wish this Christmas.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

So, i'm 19?

Yeah yeah, i know i haven't blogged for awhile so here i am back again in front of the computer to type this out. So, it was my birthday yesterday. And before i get pissed off and ruin it all for everybody else, here's a word of thanks to all those people that came down yesterday for the party. Miah and Ben, the primary school friends who are always there. A toast to you guys! (you can stay at my place anytime man). To Don, Gughan, KP, Ching, Jon Chan, Marshall, thanks. For the wassup and the gifts. And the video of the WASSUP, i'm still figuring how to put it on the com, when i figure it out, it will be for the world to see. Haha. To my secretary, Teresa, you're boss beat you yesterday, I ate more than you. Thanks for being there. And i still want my AAR and Debrief done by Monday! Haha. And last but not least, The Evil One, Charissa, you're the last person i expected to come down. And of course to the all the others, my parents, family, and whoever was there but is not mentioned. So there, my thanks to all those mentioned, i had a great birthday yesterday thanks to you guys, plus the wassup which was a classic and the gift. Oh my god, the gift is great man. It must have cost you guys a bomb but you still got it anyway. WOW!!! WH40K figurines, Grey Knights and Captain Shirke onto of that. WOW!! I'll treasure those man, really will. Yup, so that about all i can thank you guys for now. Till next year, when the youngest of da council boyz turns 20!

Yeah, so with all the happiness, the gratitude and what-so-ever, there will sure as hell be something that had to go wrong. Ok, fine, so a concert is more important than friends. I'm ok with that, just don't expect me to be very civil when i next see you. To think i put in so much effort the previous week. And better still, i bet you almost forgot that it was my birthday. So yeah. It ends at that. You go for your concert. Anytime else there is anything going on, i'll conveniently forget to inform you. Yeah. That's it. I've had enough of people who whine about not being close to college mates anymore but yet, when there is an obvious opportunity, you barely give a damn. And to think i tried to defend you when they started to talk bad about you. No more Mr Nice Guy. To me, you're now a stranger. I'm not a petty one, but i suggest you get your life in order before you come look me up again, cause anything else i say to you has no effect. Anything any of us says to you has no effect. I think general consensus among the guys at least is to just put a boycott in place.

Ok, enough people bashing. So, i'm 19. I think i've changed quite a bit form when i just turned 18. The way i now think has changed. I don't know, but i see things with dark humor now. Must be the bad influence from the reporter from Kazhazstan. Hehe. So yeah. I can eat more shit now than before, whatever you can throw at me i'll just take it. And most importantly, i guess i've finally made my peace with the issues hounding me since college, but that's still ongoing and a story for another time. So yeah, 19 and counting, i'm starting to feel old especially my back. Countless rugby injuries, training injuries in the Army, i'm starting to feel really old. My back can barely take weights now. Sigh. All i wish for christmas is.... Well, i won't say it here, we'll leave it for Christmas.

8 days to Christmas and i haven't done my Christmas shopping properly yet. I'm so screwed. Haha. But i do have 1 gift, all wrapped and prepared. I just hope she appreciates it.

Till Christmas, HO HO HO!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

An Advertisment

Hmmm.. what to say today? Ok, wait for it... inspiration!

I'll be on leave from the 12th to the 26th (ok, i'll be back in work on the 22nd) but will be away from the 18th to 22nd in Bintan, enjoying the Sun, sand and maybe some sea while i'm at it. So ask me out if u want. I'm super free during this period. Finally no office work to bother me for 2 full weeks. After that, its full swing at work. Course, rugby trainings and NDP to prepare for. But then again, ORD LOH!!

Ok, so it was a blatant advert, but who cares. I'm free and i got some catching up to do with friends. Why not use this time to catch up on old times, make new friends and salvage dying ones. And better yet, maybe do a bit of hunting. Haha. I'm just bored lah. But one thing is for sure. Not too much computer games, television and sleep. Well, that's how i plan to spend my leave. If i'm too busy i'll fit you into the schedule somehow. If i don't have enough leave days, well, i still have 7 days of leave to clear. Haha.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


What to say, what to say, what to say? Its been almost a week, and its beginning to settle in and it feels.. how would u say it? Weird. So its official, i'm really really really single again. No strings attached. Yup.

Actually, you know what, i've got nothing much to say. Yep. Nothing really much to say, not that you guys out there are really interested in. Well, the armour is back on again, and this time, its not going to break that easily. If i have to be a player, well i'll be one. Its all a game and we are all just pawns in it. The person who wins? Is the guy who can break and be broken, over and over again.

Game On.