The Idle Times

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Super Size Me? I think not..

On Sunday night, Arts Central featured the movie 'Super Size Me' in their Film Art slot at 10pm. I really love eating fast food and i must say it is one of my vices. Though i do not eat it everyday like the people in the film, i do eat it often enough to know it is bad for me. Even then i still eat. Fries, chicken wings, cheeseburgers. All taste good to me. But after watching the show, it kinda left me sick to the stomach. Just 30 days is enough to kill you. Argh. I don't want to die in 30 days. The funny thing was that there was this guy who had eaten like 19000 burgers and has a rather low cholesterol level of 140. Like wow. The irony of that. Either way, i think i'll start cutting down on my intake of fast food. Its about time i made a some big changes in my life. Like the food i eat, the amount i eat. For god's sake, i'm starting to become tubby. Haha. Like round. I can't see my abs anymore, which is kinda depressing really. I blame my over 2 years of inactivity. The last time i did any real hardcore exercise was when i was forced to take part in my camp's inter-mess triathlon. I'm proud to say that after busting my ass, i came in a decent 2nd (from the back). And to think i want to get back to playing some hardcore rugby when i matriculate properly into the university. HAHA!

Ah, then again, i thought that i could just live the simple life from now on. No worries in the world and the like. Uni seemed like a haven to me, compared to the Army. In a sense it is, but with this new found freedom, comes another problem. Try being the stupidest guy in class and you'll know what i mean. Up till ow i can barely understand what is being taught, 4 weeks into the course. And there is the paper which is due in 2 weeks, and the exams in 2 weeks. Hell i don't even know how to start writing. I'm just so confused with things. Hopefully inspiration will strike me one day soon. And it had better be soon because i may just start going crazy. Haha.

So now i'm fat, stupid and starting to lose my grip on reality. Anyway, here's a thought for a week. It happens that now i'm reading Decartes (cogito ergo sum; i think, therefore i am). It also happens to be my essay topic. 'How do you know if you are living in the Matrix? And does it matter?' There it goes. I just lost all respect for one of my favorite trilogies of all time. Ok well, to make things simpler, here is another question you might like to ponder. 'Given that you can be fooled by dreams, how do you know you are not in one now?'

Think about it.


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