Finally, its recess week. After 6 weeks of torture in school, its finally time for me to kick back and relax for a bit right? Wrong! 2 essays due right after the break and i have no idea how to even begin. On top of that, my writing seems to have leveled out. I can't seem to write anything better than a B+ and its a pain to know that if i continue at this rate, i'll probably be mucking out toilets after i graduate.
Recess is meant to be a time where i can just chill out and not do anything. Seriously. I need sleep and i need sleep. Haha. Oh well. This sucks but can't do anything about it except just do whatever i have to do. Sigh. There goes my university life, spent just mugging and writing, rinse and repeat.
Another 7 weeks of school, exams and i've survived my first year as an undergraduate. At least 2 more 2 go then. Speaking of which, i need to plan my schedule for the holidays. I applied for an internship with the MFA, then i've got reservist to do, which really sucks. Also considering summer school in LSE and at the same time attend my brother's graduation. Hopefully all i've planned would fall nicely in place. London is calling me back and i really want to go back too. Is there a hidden opportunity for me? I wonder. Maybe, just maybe.
The only reason i'm still single..