The Idle Times

Monday, September 03, 2007

Shine on

Sigh. My 2 weeks of leave went by in a flash. Now its back to work for me for the next 6 weeks at least. Argh. Full of shit. The course i'm attending now is really a piece of shit. Why? 1) The course syllabus is really boring, at least till the 3 week, then it starts getting fun. 2) The accomodation and food sucks to the core, and when i thought that food in Seletar was bad, i forgot about Nee Soon food. And the bunks, OMG! 3) The people attending the course are really no fun, unlike when i went for Int. And finally, 4) Its a bloody stay in course, which means i lose all the freedom which i hold so dear. Its just a stroke of luck that i got to book out today. SIGH!!

Ah, oh well. At least i only have 9 weeks left to serve before i become a civilian again. But 9 weeks seem so long, especially when you are not having fun. SIGH.

After enduring 20 months of crap, its finally coming to an end. Full of highs and lows (more lows really), i hate to say it, but the Army has left a deep impression on me. Good or bad, it really doesn't matter. The Army has given me an insight on to how a real life organisation works. And frankly speaking, i'm quite afraid to go out into the working world. If the Army is a benchmark that it is supposed to be, i rather not be out there working cos its really gonna suck.

For now at least, Uni life seems like the safest and best place to be, but if what the girls are saying is to be believed, it may suck too.

There are too many uncertainties in life. And life is too short to go about worrying about all of them. But it kinda sucks, especially when you care too much about the things which will never work out. But still i care, though i haven't learnt not to allow them to affect me anymore. Its been almost a year since things really started to turn inside out for me. Even so, things haven't really settled down into what i feel comfortable with. When i thought that time would heal all wounds, time has somehow started t make some of these wounds rot and the effect is really not very pretty. The past year has seen the darker side of me and has also brought out the best. It goes to show that i am actually capable of being a nice guy when i try to be one.

Ah. Ok i think that's enough for today. I've got to get back to camp tommorrow morning for another week of crap and shit. 9 more weeks seems like a short time. The light is getting brighter now.


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