The Idle Times

Friday, June 01, 2007

Too slow

5 more months. Just 5 more months and i'll be free from the army. Free from my shackles and free to lead my life the way i want it to be. Well, there is always light at the end of a tunnel right? But this time the light seems just that much further away then normal... Sigh. After spending 17 months in the Army, you would have thought that i would get use to all the shit in it. Wrong. You never get over all the shit you've been through in the Army, cos it never stops coming. Somehow, things get more difficult as you go along. As you start having to play politics, as you start having to backstab people to ensure you're own survival. As much as i hate doing it, it has to be done. Self-preservation is the name of the game here. Anyways, whatever the case, i'll not be extending my service in the Army. Totally no chance of that ever happening, even though the pay may seem rather attractive at this point in time. It really isn't worth all the shit i'll have to go through so no way.

NDP rehearsals are starting to kick into high gear. And i'm kinda worried for the next course cos many things are still not done yet. Indentments etc etc. All the crap. Worse thing is that due to NDP, i don't really have the time to do anything much. Let's see, as of now, i've found sort of a new lease of life. I'm going out more often, playing less computer (even though i've hit level 60), and trying to get on with life acepting things for what they are. These activities seem to be helping me get over the troubles of the past week yet i do not have the time to indulge in them. Instead all i get is beaten back down with all the shit loads of work people can throw at you. Like as though shit is free. Nothing is free in the world. Can't wait for NDP to end, then i can start getting my life back. With all my weekends starting to get burned, its going to be hard for me to get fully back on my feet. I'll be down for a bit longer than i like but what has to be must be done. Just got to survive the next 5 months. Too slow though, too slow.

Sigh. So this is what it means to be part of the 'greatest show on earth'. Greatest? Bollocks! More like the shittiest. I don't understand how some people can enjoy this sort of crap, year in year out. It feels like a tremendous waste of time, money and effort, for seemingly no tangible returns. Ah well, it just keeps getting better and better. After spending 3 nights building bridges down at Marina, its time for me to gte back to work on this stupid national event. It really is a waste of time, considering that i'm rehearsing for just 2 minutes of show time. and it takes 3 months for rehearsals? I think i may just lose it soon. Yeah. I need someone to break my leg so i can get 3 months MC. That will make me a really happy camper.


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