The Idle Times

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

And a very happy V-Day to you too.

Yep, so its that time of the year again. Valentine's Day. Hah. Its supposed to be a day for lovers, a day for friends. And where do i happen to find myself? Back at home in front of the computer again. Its all my fault really. I'm grateful for the day off from work, but i hate the feeling of being alone on a day like this. Well, i tried asking her out, but she was busy. She told me to go out, maybe try getting someone else, but i'm a hopeless romantic so i'll just leave it at that. Not her fault, mine. If i had the guts to ask her earlier maybe we could have worked something out. Well, i regret, but i'm not angry. Its just not right. Well, so its back to the drawing board for me. Got to find it in me to start being more confident about this, cos if i don't its never going to work out. Yeah. Got to work it out somehow. No point killing myself over it right?

So yeah, haven't blogged for about a week and now since i've got nothing to do and the most obvious source of entertainment is the computer, why not just write down some crap? Anyhow, i've been having a rather slack week so far. Spent alot of time in camp just wasting it like its free. Best part is that tmr will be having a nights off too. An opportunity? i don't think so. I'll just sleep in camp and imagine the things that could have been. Haha. That's my life, if you could call that a life. Everyday just brings me closer to the day when i can be free. Free from all this shit. Just another 262 days to go and i can finally breathe the fresh clean air of the civilian world, of freedom from the green. Then i can go to the University and live a life i want to live. After hearing all the horror stories about Uni you would think that i would be kind of put off, but i'm not. After going through what i'm going through now, Uni will be a piece of cake. All it takes is a little bit of finger-pointing, back-stabbing and chao keng to get the job done. Count on the 'gan cheong-ness' of your project group members and things would most probably work in your favour. Stay cool even when the deadline draws near and make people believe that everything is fine, but in the background, be so well prepared that even a nuclear strike from N. Korea cannot faze you. And lastly, in real dire situations learn to carry the balls of the profs. Learn their every nuance, every action. What they do and how they react will be your cue on how you should plan your schedule. Follow these simple steps and pray very hard. Things will work out your way somehow.

Well, that's my piece of advice for the week at least. Its getting closer to chinese new year, and it feels as though the regulars don't want to do anymore work. So its back to the NSF to do more work. Hopefully they don't try to shoot more arrows. I'm sorry buddy, i'm planning to siam everything they shoot at me. As much as i hate to do it, i'm sorry man. Its either me or you, preferably you.

I'm becoming more of an asshole. Give me a reason not to turn back to what i used to be. Please.


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