The Idle Times

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I survived 7 days of field camp! No more crap from green packets, shitting with my ET tool next to me and having to camo on, camo off everyday. And best of all, i get my bed back. The little things we take for granted in life, clean clothes, a nice comfy bed, and a good hot meal, they all feel good once you get them back. Oh, and not forgetting hot showers. Woah! Its good to be home. Anyway, i'll just write a short description of each day, so you people out there know what we guys do in the army.
Day 1:
Route march to the camp site. Set up our bashsas fot the night. It promptly rained. Had a lecture in the rain, followed by practice, also in the rain. Dinner from small disgusting tasting green packs. Threw packet away ate biscuits. Went to bed wet and cold. Did guard duty in the rain. End of day 1. Day 1 in 1 word: WET.
Day 2:
Woke up. Stopped raining. Got punished for being 2 minutes late to fall in. Had a lecture, practice, lecture, practice. Night training. Got punished again, this time for no reason.Started raining. Food came from accessory packs, threw green packs away, except for the desserts. End of Day 2. Day 2 in one word: HUNGRY
Day 3:
Woke up. Lecture, practice. Felt tired. Route march to next camp site. Almost fell out because i was feeling sick. Set up bashsas again. Didn't rain today, which was good. Force fed greeen packets (i had run out of biscuits). End of Day 3. Day 3 in one word: TIRED
Day 4:
Woke up. It was going to be the best day of field camp. TECHNICAL BREAK (or what OC calls 'field routine'). Had lessons in the morning, after that it was off to my first shower in 3 days. Felt good. Cleaned my rifle. Went to bed early. Fresh rations for the day. Wolfed them down. Had a good nights rest. End of Day 4. Day 4 in one word: HEAVENLY
Day 5:
Woke up. Practice for test to be held in the afternoon. Screwed up test thanks to my fool group mates. Rub straight and they still manange to run into me. Weird. Over all had fun. Slept early though a bit pissed off. End of Day 5. Day 5 in one word: FUN
Day 6:
Woke up. Route march to last camp site. Spirits were high. Trench digging excercise. Had to did one shellscrape and help with a fire trench. Started raining again. Dug my shellscrape, helped with the fire trench. Finished the fire trench, found out my shellscrape was flooded. Bailed water. Rain got heavier. Evacuated to trainig shed down the road. Slept sitting up throughout the whole night. End of Day 6. Day 6 in one word: ^%#@%#$@&%$%*^$*^%
Day 7:
Woke up. Stiff back. March to SISPEC to do battle innoculation course. Leopard crawl and back crawl. Fell into grenade trench, slipped while charging at the target boards, made a fool of myself. Back to BMT. Field Camp officially over. Thank God. Slept in my bunk, happy. End of Day 7. Day 7 in one word (ok, 2 words): SIONG & SHIOK
And that basically summarises field camp. It was an experience, one of its kind, bringing out a sides of me i didn't (and i didn't really) want to know. Oh well, what can i say. You'll have to experience it to knwo what it really feels like.
Feeling really tired. Need sleep. Tommorrow is a long day. So for now....
Foxtrot Oscar!


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